Thursday 13 September 2012

A Deep Breath Moment

What an amazing fall day! Fall is my FAVORITE time of year, which is a new love for me but I now love decorating the house and finding new fall baking recipes. For the last 2 years we have had the pumpkin carving at our house with a bunch of friends which is always a great time where everyone gets to be crafty! In school arts and crafts were always my favorite class and today I love well decorated houses and when the stores are filled with beautiful fall colors! Why i didn’t get married in the fall I will never know, but I think probably one reason I am loving fall this year is as my tummy grows with a beautiful baby inside, I can keep wearing hoodies and sweaters and just be comfy. 

We are ALMOST done harvest! The fields are filled with busy farm families who are feeding the world. I always heard that as a kid but the more I am involved with the Agricultural world, especially being able to directly relate my home life to my career, I strongly believe farmers make the world go round!

This weekend my husband, sister-in-law and her boyfriend and I are headed to “the Ranch” as we call it. 3 sections of bush, creeks, and cattle with an amazing log cabin on a private lake heated by a wood stove where we spent our honeymoon. Makes me take a deep breath just thinking about it, fishing, wildlife, not a soul for miles, good thing I’m going at 6 months pregnant not 8! I look forward to riding for hours and finding all the cattle as the liners will be pulling in Saturday morning.  This is the life I LOVE to live!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Fuzzy, Warm Feelings

Life challenges sure test your inner strength. My passion in life of riding and helping on the farm has been slightly put on hold as this baby in my stomach grows. 9 months to create a little miracle, always praying for a happy and healthy baby.
This big step in life makes me miss my family and the comfort of my moms home. Being acceptable into a new family has its hurdles and boundaries but nothing feels better then  feeling welcomed and being part of a very loving family. It takes years to make relationships with friends in a new area after leaving the old ones and only being able to see them on occasions. The amount my husband works is unreal and having family and friends surround you is a must to not feel lonely  and is a helpful tool I am still trying to figure out. I really appreciate the people I use to take for granted alot more now, being at home this weekend with my amazing family is such a great feeling. Only missing Garnet because he never gets away, he is very loyal and committed to his dad and their operation. This weekend I was able to see people I haven’t seen in months, almost years and its such a great feeling to pick up right where you left off and be completely comfortable sitting and having a great conversation. There are some people I just haven’t created a strong relationship with as they just do not carry the same respect or enjoyment of spending time just catching up in my new home and new family.
Going to the Okotoks Pro Rodeo last night, its an over whelming feeling to feel so loved and just excited to see so many people you share the same love and passion of rodeo with. To sit with a high school friend I haven’t seen in forever but being able to sit and talk all night, I am a hard person to maybe get talking if I don’t know you but having the comfort of old friends just brings a great feeling to my heart.
Adjustments are part of life and making the best of things if the way to go about a tough situation. Have to love and cherish those who love you and forget the ones that are too ignorant to take the time to spend time with you. 
Good friends are hard to find, and even harder to replace!

Sunday 5 August 2012

What are you Proud of?

Every day we do our daily routines, for most of us, laundry, lunches, supper, work, yard work, and then the odd day finding time to let that stuff go and enjoy a few other things that are considered your get away. I am a person who loves routine, a major home body who loves just having a loving home and a happy family.
In my everyday life I have so much to be proud of, a great job, a great place to live, great vehicle, trailer, cows, horses, dogs, and of course friends and family. But most of all, my number one things is my amazing husband. We have been to many weddings this summer and after every one it brings Garnet and I closer together after it reminds us of our great day over a year ago, and how much love keeps growing. We now have a baby on the way and I just know he is going to be the best dad, by the way he spoils his dog this kid is going to have the world of love!, I know who’s going to be the easy going parent!
Right now is the season for silaging. My job in all this is to make sure he has a lunch each day as he works sometimes 16 hour days, clean jeans, shirts, and boxers. And an understanding attitude that I’m not going to be seeing much of him! The first year, this was a major adjustment for me but as summers go by, it seems to be getting much easier! I cannot get mad at a man with an amazing work ethic and such a passion for what he gets to do every day. There is no way I could talk his boy into taking time off or missing a day of silaging, but why would I ever ask him to when we both share the passion and know this is where we want to make a difference. If he’s not there, he’s constantly thinking about it and wondering what’s going on. He is a true leader when it comes to problem solving and what to do next.  To me, this is what parents should be proud of. Being successful in the everyday life challenges and skills, finding someone to share their life with and build a life together sharing the same dreams and passion.  To be working hard and spending money where it matters, our future of ranching.  To have such a loving and responsible child that loves his family and shows respect to everyone he meets. No matter where we go, usually by the end of the day everyone knows who Garnet is because of his helping hand and outgoing personality that rubs off on everyone.  
As his wife, he is the romantic in the relationship. He spoils me to no end, he always makes sure I am taking care of and never forgets about me no matter where we go. He once put out a dozen roses throughout the house when I was gone to my parents for the weekend, left with a note saying have fun finding all 12 with #1 attached to the note. His kind heart, selflessness, and humble attitude is truly amazing, and I wish every girl to look for that guy because they’re out there!!! His family comes first in any situation and he is always making sure they are taken care of. He will never leave his dad, sister, brother, or mom to work alone until he knows he has done all he can do to help. I am blessed to have him in my life and he is by far the best cowboy I have ever met. No rodeo cowboy or money or buckles will make up for his true talents and passion as a cowboy, his love for his cows and to help his dad at the feedlot. I cannot ask for more and he is the thing I am most proud of that I get to enjoy in my everyday life! Wishing you all the same everyday pleasure!!!

Monday 28 May 2012

Taking a Moment...

Sometimes taking a moment to reflect, to make yourself look at the big picture can be such an eye opener. To learn to appreciate everything and everyone around you can change your outlook on life. The world is not out to get you even though it may feel like it some days, everything happens for a reason. You just have to be open minded enough to figure out and understand those reasons. 

This past weekend I helped host a stagette for my husband’s cousin’s fiancé. A day at the spa, silly clothes, and games with friends that love and cherish each other and are there to share the event that marks a milestone in people’s lives. Getting married was one of the best things I’ve done in life. At the start it felt like nothing had changed and it was perfect time for us to get married but really didn’t do anything, as we already loved and enjoyed each other and planned to spend our lives together. As our 1 year anniversary is coming up soon in June, I realize how much more love I have grown for him and our life together. How the families we have gained have shared so much love and happiness with us, along with the emotional attachment and comfort level it is so nice to have between both sides of the family. If you learn to appreciate each blessing, you learn everyday there are moments that can take your breath away.  

Garnet just bought our very first livestock trailer, a beautiful trailer! I’m so spoiled. We both are like little kids with a new toy, we love to look at it and make sure it stays clean. The best part to me is because we both are so proud of it and the first time we used it we got to use it together to go check pastures. Perfect way to break it in!  (Don’t let the small things pass by unnoticed) 

The seed is in the ground and we are excited to have our first crop in the ground! This will be our first year experiencing first hand benefits and risks of being a farmer! We also hope to grow our cattle herd a bit more and just enjoy all the experiences that come with it. 

Nothing beats good horses, cattle, dogs, family & friends!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Love for the Lifestyle

It’s been awhile! A comment from a person reading my blogs encouraged me to continue and write another. A kind word from a stranger can go along way!

We are in the middle of calving & we have been blessed thus far with happy & healthy babies. This is my husband’s favorite time of year. He can pick out any calf and know who’s its mom, the color of the tags in her ears and what the calf was like she had the year before, & he helps calve a total of about 300 cows. This is his passion, his dream & what makes his heart smile. As we walk around the pasture with our horses he asks, “Is this what you want to do forever?” I smile at him knowing he just likes hearing it and say, “wouldn’t want it any other way.” Such an overwhelming feeling knowing your dreams are coming true. To have such passion, love, & pride to be a cowboy & he deserves every bit that makes him happy. I use to hate how I never seen him because he was married to his cows & working for his dad at the feedlot. I can't be mad at him for being a hard worker so now, I have much more understanding & encouragement for him to be there enjoying things we both enjoy & working towards a long term goal to own his own Ranch some day. We cannot depend on it being handed down to him, but I know together we have enough motivation to still love starting from scratch and building a beautiful place we can be proud of together. 

It took me awhile to really find out this is who I wanted to be. I’m sure people look at me today & I know they either think, wow she’s the really deal or she tries to hard. And I don’t care, I have learned you don’t have to be the person you use to be, you can be exactly who you want to be. I have started being that person and making my dream real life. The decision to live it, not just dream it. 

My sister-in-law moved down south, where I am from, & we were able to attend her boyfriends family’s branding. One of my favorite jobs in the cow/calf lifestyle, lots of babies, too many dogs, people that come from everywhere to help, & usually beautiful weather. These are the type of people to surround  yourself with, down to earth people & those who just want to lend a helping hand & learn a little more about how this all goes on!

As summer approaches, I know it means kissing my husband good bye for the most part. I try and help out as much as possible during the busy seasons of seeding, taking cattle to pastures, silaging, harvest, & then bring cattle home so I can spend some time with him & do whatever needs done so that someone else can get home a bit earlier that night. 

I am blessed to be part of it of such a wonderful lifestyle!

Cookie Learning the Ropes of Brandings

Tuesday 21 February 2012


This simple thing can change everything. You find it in the weirdest places and in people that don’t even know they are giving you such a gift. I have so many beautiful people in my life that encourage me and inspire me, and it can be the simplest things. A picture, a word, an action, a plan, a helping hand reaching in your direction to encourage you to take the next step, or a new step to something you may have never done on your own.
I can “creep” Facebook for hours admiring people’s lives and how happy they are and I love seeing their world that they live, painting their own colors to decorate their life. Things that make each person their own, Facebook allows us to express to everyone how amazing how lives are and an opportunity to share the great gifts in each other’s lives. Many people say, “She’s always putting something on facebook.” My husband says this about me, but I love putting on there for people to see. See how blessed I am to have animals to entertain me, people to love, and challenges to inspire me! I love sharing that, and even more like to see it with others I care about.
I have so many people that make me feel like I want to try that! I want to work towards that, I want my inner excitement to show on the outside about the beautiful things in life that make me smile! And I know I’m not the only one! I could spend days with some people feeding off their energy they use in everyday life, I admire people with a passion about what they do and love telling them how great they are. From having a beautiful family and getting to spend every day watching them grow and love, to spending countless hours striving to be better at things you may already be great at. To giving back to someone or something that offered you so much.
Last week a friend told me she has never met someone so connected to their personal intuition. She described me as a person who reacts with their gut and feeling, an explanation for the oddest things. A few months after I got engaged I lost one of the small diamond out of my ring. Most people would not think much of it and just get it replaced and continue with life. To me, this was a sign. A heads up that this commitment to each other may lose a few piece along the way, that you may have some rough patches where things fall apart but at the end of the day the shining diamonds didn’t hold the ring on my finger, the solid base of love did and that part wasn’t falling apart. I will always have the strong base and can spend the time to get those diamonds shining again. Some signs in life are really there to remind me of the important things and I truly believe if you choose to listen to the world around you, you are blessed daily.
The weirdest thing I think about is when I hit all the green lights driving though town. To me means I am balanced, when you hit the entire red ones, you’d just a little ahead in life than planned and can be the best teacher for patience! I try remembering that in situation that may not go as planned. Red Light! Green Light!
I believe I use alot of energy feelings I get from people and animals. And even more now after working with my sister-in-law, Katie. I am so sensitive to energy levels and can read and feel animal's needs and personalities. (To me my old rope horse definetly has an English accent, just seems like that kind of guy) Something still throw me for a loop when I let them get under my skin, I have to re-group and try reading the situation again. Every single person can feel these things, but they must choose to pay attention.

"Good instincts usually tell you what to do
long before your head has figured it out."-Michael Burke

Certain people have such a huge impact on my life, I thank the people that just make me stop and think, "That's so awesome, good for you!" from their inspiration, that boost of motivation you get whether it be setting a goal with your horse or taking steps in a new direction you were scared to try before. People who follow their dreams is such a motivation! My husband challenges me most of the time, but he has those wonderful moments of encouragement and inspiration. Reminds me of those goals I dream of and he knows deep inside I want to accomplish them.
Life is such an emotional experience, but that's where you dig deep in yourself and find things you didn't know you had but if you choose to listen, the world want you to do your best and offers you gifts every day.

"Faith is a passionate intuition"
-William Wordsworth


Tuesday 31 January 2012

39. Praise people for everyday accomplishments that come with everyday life – Check!

Today I found myself feeling like I was dragging my butt around wishing my life away... ; wish I didn’t have to get up, wish I didn’t have to go to work, wish this work day was over, wish I was in the tractor with my husband... Get it together already!!! Stop wishing your life away and start making goals and things to look forward too!
Right after Christmas I created my first bucket list. Just by reading this list I could find inspiration and motivation I never knew I had, and it put me in an amazing mood! Thinking of all the great things I set out to experience and enjoy! To look forward to and most importantly things that would help me get out of a rut on a day like today.
I have broke my list down into a 2012 goals, 5 & 10 year goals, & the life promises I always want to keep.
Today, looking at the list, I realized the goals I have already started to accomplish and the lifetime promise ones I have started to bring into my daily life. #15 I have started gathering my favorite recipes and also for the first time, started trying new ones out of the cook books I have collected over the past 2 years. The book my mom made for me is broke into pages because I use it so often, time to start adding pages to the pile! #25 I rode my horse to the feedlot and back bareback and don’t know if I’ve ever been sorer!  Felt good! But holy! The 3 km ride with probably about 1 km of loping really makes you use muscle you didn’t know you had! #28 I am getting closer to this goal. Recently have taken my first boudoir photographs and some engagement pictures! I figure at least I am getting asked to continue taking picture for people from others I have taken. #35 I am learning to just go with the flow, if something changes to adapt to the change. My husband has even noticed I am becoming a girl he doesn’t know what we’re doing next! I don’t think he likes it, haha. #37 My whole family has booked plane tickets to Wolfe Island for this summer! My husband Garnet and my sister-in-law Kim will finally get to see “Fancy Island” where my parents grew up! #40-42 these three follow fairly close to each other I think, and I feel no threat or jealously to people, no judgement either which makes me sing and make decisions that make me happy. #43 I have made this just a reaction to when I hear my fat little wiener dog running to the door to see Garnet and Kipty after a long days work!
The one I am most proud of is #39. This is such a lost thing in today’s world. Only if you win an award, win a buckle, money or a title do people think it’s time to say, “Congratulations you worked so hard for that!” Everything in between deserves those words too. From the very first attempt and getting bucked off, to dusting yourself off and trying again deserves the rewarding feeling of a job well done. Being a mom who has 2 kids for 2 weeks alone while dads off working. That deserves a huge hug, and words saying “you are an amazing mom.” I wish everyone would do this, I know when you win big a few close friends and family say congratulations, you did it! Which you might have thought the world would finally give you that pat on the back you’ve been waiting for, but other than the people that have been with you along the whole way,  no one sees the stepping stones you had to take to get there.
As an impromptu question at a High School Rodeo years ago I was asked, “if you could teach children one thing, what would it be?” a few people had answers like how to rope and ride, how to bake, how to drive a tractor. My answer was, “I would teach children to have confidence in themselves. To be brave and challenge themselves as I believe that is a true stepping stone to success.” Confidence and encouragement can be one of the best gifts a person can receive.
My life consists of a western lifestyle and I always think I need have 20 things on the go, but then I’m not focusing one being great at one thing when I’m busy being just ok at 10! Time to regroup and focus on my goals and motivation.

“Courage is being scared to death... but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne
My bucket list is not things I must do before I die but things I look too when I feel in a rut with life, things I that will challenge me to do and be better in life!
2012 Goals                         5 year goals                       10 years                              Lifetime promises
1.      Make blankets for each of my babies before they are born
2.      Sew all the rips in tears in my husband’s shirts and jeans
3.      Wear red lip stick more often
4.      Compete in a working cow-horse competition
5.      Raise kids who are kind and polite and know God
6.      Train a stock dog
7.      Knit a neck tube
8.      Buy a home
9.      Buy cattle and have a cow/calf operation
10.   Buy land with my name on the title
11.   Become a great roper
12.   Collect old western items (saddles, bridles)
13.   Get my class 3 (possibly class 1)
14.   Teach my niece & nephew how to ride a horse
15.   Become an exceptional cook and baker
16.   Doctor all our cattle on horse back
17.   Be brave enough to smile and say hi to strangers on the street
18.   Wear a bikini and feel confident about it
19.   Clean & fix up all our saddles and make sure they are safe
20.   Repay my parents for everything they do for me
21.   Love unconditionally and let small things go
22.   Halter brake a calf
23.   Go to New York and only wear heels, dresses and red lip stick the whole time
24.   Qualify for a finals in barrel racing with a horse I trained my self
25.   Ride bareback more often than I do with a saddle
26.   Train a ranch horse that I plan to have forever
27.   Live somewhere that I can see the mountains from my kitchen
28.   Take pictures for money and be recommend from someone else
29.   Take a train ride through the mountains
30.   Train my horses to listen and feel my body so I can ride with no saddle or bridle
31.   Cook a turkey with the help of my mom
32.   Be a 4-H leader
33.   Take time and visit people that impacted who I am today from my childhood years
34.   Forgive my grandpa and spend a day visiting him
35.   Be spontaneous
36.   Help my dad organize and sell everything out of his junk pile
37.   Take Garnet and his grandparents to Wolfe Island  in the summer
38.   Always have a real Christmas tree that we get from the bush
39.   Praise people for everyday accomplishments that come with everyday life
40.   Find inner peace
41.   Sing as loud as I can to my favourite song
42.   Not worry about disappointing someone if it makes me happy
43.   Meet my husband at the door every time he comes home
44.   Drive to my grandmas in BC with the windows down the whole way
45.   Experience the feeling of turning the 3rd barrel and the crowd goes wild
46.   Go with Katie to Texas
47.   Become food efficient – not let anything go bad in the fridge
"Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams, Live the Life you have Always Imagined." -Henry David Thoreau